On flights up to 2 hours of flight, passengers are provided with bottled water. On flights with a duration of more than 2 hours, passengers will be offered meals, which include a hot meal.
Menu on flights from 2 hours of flight and more:
- Meat snack*
- Vegetable salad or vegetable appetizer
- Hot beef or chicken dish
- Fresh bread and/or bun
- Mineral water, soft drinks
- Hot drinks: black tea, green tea,
- instant coffee.
- Dessert
- Vegetarian food (Asian) – AVML;
- Hindu food – HNML;
- Muslim food – MOML;
- Strict vegetarian diet – RVML;
- Vegetarian food (dairy) – VLML;
- Vegetarian food (non-dairy) – VGML;
- Baby food – CHML;
- Large fruit food – FPML;
- gluten-free food – GFML.
* On flights over 8 hours of flight
** On flights over 6 hours flight
On flights in the direction of Tashkent-New York-Tashkent, two hot meals a day are offered.